
Mission Statement

To take the ideas and vision of creators and turn them into real, tangible pitches that can be sold as television series and feature films.


A Note from the Founder…

CARLO GONZALES-MOSSFounder, Maranty Mdedia


Founder, Maranty Mdedia


As a creator, you have an idea in your head. Whether you’re a writer, director, or producer, that idea’s been kicking around in your brain for a while, and you have a vision for what it could look like one day. But there’s something standing between the idea in your head and the reality of seeing it on a TV or movie screen.

That something is a pitch.

Every movie, every TV show, every webseries, everything that shows in front of your face on a screen all started the same way: with a pitch.

And for someone reason, in this industry, nobody is willing to show you how to pitch. They just expect you to already know it. And to be an expert at every facet of the pitch. The delivery, the art, the structure, the performance, and all the information that you’re expected to get across in the short window of time you have in front of a network or studio executive.

When I started in this industry, almost 20 years ago now, I didn’t know the first thing about pitching. I knew I could write, I knew I could act, I knew I could be funny. I had all these talents, but without knowing how to pitch, I was never going to get paid for those talents. Over the years, I also learned how to produce and even ran my own animation studio, but pitching was something different entirely. It was a skillset all its own, and if I was to have any success in this industry, I was gonna have to get good at it. And I was gonna have to get good at it the only way I knew how: by being really bad at it.

So, I went about being really bad at pitching. And trust me, I was indeed really bad at it. I cringe at some of the mistakes that I made in pitch rooms in those early years. Bragging about accomplishments that impressed nobody, not preparing enough because I didn’t want to sound “over-rehearsed”, and spouting so many buzzwords and clichés that I even lost track of what I was trying to pitch.

But despite lots and lots of years of being bad, I kept at it. And eventually, I started figuring some things out. The process started making sense to me. I began understanding what did and did not work in a pitch room and why. And as I started to learn these things, I realized that I was developing a knack for this very specific part of our business. The feedback that I started getting was a lot different than the feedback I was used to getting. I remember the feeling I got when I walked into one particular executive’s office, and his eyes lit up and he told me unprompted that he knows every time I meet with him, I’m going to bring him something good. Holy crap, I was actually good at this!

And he wasn’t alone. All of a sudden, I kept seeing that same look in executives’ eyes when I would walk in a room. Because they knew, even if the show I was pitching wasn’t the right for them, I was going to bring in a presentation that would be engaging, articulate, and the best possible representation of the series that I had created. I even had one studio try to hire away my graphic designer because my pitch decks were so good! Little did they know that my graphic designer was ME!

I tell you all this not to brag (ok maybe to brag a little bit), but because I want you, the creator, to be able to stand on my shoulders. I spent years and years being bad at this and getting good at it so that you don’t have to. I learned this stuff through a lot of trial and error, but I started this company so that people who were like me could skip over all that trial and error. Whether you’re looking for a pitch coach, a designer for your deck, or both, when you hire me, you hire my experience. You hire all of that trial-and-error and all of the talent that arose as a result of it. I want you to sell your show. I want you to get the money to make your movie. I want that idea in your head to turn into a reality that millions and millions of people will get to see. I guarantee that if you work with me, I will put you in the best possible position to do just that.

So you took the time to read all that…now what are you waiting for?


What’s with the Name? What’s a Maranty?

My late father, Marty Moss, standing on the original F.C. Maranty in the early 1970’s.

My late father, Marty Moss, standing on the original F.C. Maranty in the early 1970’s.


In the early 1960’s, after saving up for years and years, my grandparents finally realized their dream of being able to purchase a boat in Marina Del Rey, CA. When it came time to choose a name for the boat, they created a moniker that incorporated each member of their family: “F.C. Maranty”. The initials F & C represented their first names, Fred & Carol, while the name Maranty represented their three children: Marsha, Anita, and my father, Marty.

Ever since I was little, I’ve heard countless stories about how special that boat was and how much it meant to each member of my family. I’d hear about the annual family trips to Catalina, or I’d hear about how my dad took my mom out on the Maranty on one of their first dates, or about the day my grandfather was named Commodore of the Santa Monica Yacht Club.  

When it came time to choose a name for this new company I was starting, I wrestled with a lot of different ideas:

“Should the company have the word ‘pitch’ in the title for SEO and marketing purposes?”

“Should I go with something that sounds super modern and cool and abstract?”

But no matter what, I kept coming back to the name Maranty. It held such a significant place in my family’s history and represented something so precious. Something felt so right about starting this new chapter of my life and career by honoring the past. So in my mind, there really was no other choice. It was Maranty all along. Whether it’s a little boat, a scrappy startup company, or the idea that’s brewing in your head for the next great TV show, the name Maranty represents the audacity that it takes to go after your dream and the gumption that it takes to share that dream with the world.
